Autistic Adults'
Reading and
Advisory Group

LAVA Lectures
One of the first reading sessions of LAVA vzw took place in 2021 with Dr. Sander Van de Cruys. He is the creator of the HIPPEA theory of autism which is based on the most recent general theory of human cognition. During this reading session there was great enthusiasm among the LAVA members about this theory. After all, she literally puts the emphasis in autism on a different way of seeing, in contrast to classical autism theories that focus on the stereotyped image of (for example) lack of empathy. We saw and see in the HIPPEA theory a way to finally see cause and effect in the right order: from sensory otherness to developing challenges within a social environment organized around neurotypical people. Because of this enthusiasm, we have developed this theory together with Sander as a basis to present the autistic experience more sharply to groups that want to better frame autistic talents (at school, in the workplace, ...).
We piloted such lectures at a type 9 secondary school and to a group of remedial educators who work with autistic individuals with an intellectual disability. The feedback on this was very positive and we therefore offer this lecture and accompanying intervision to interested parties. We are specifically thinking of companies or organizations where there is enthusiasm to offer better opportunities for neurodiverse people.
We will not go into this in more detail in this short piece, but would like to refer to een recording of a discussion about HIPPEA at the LAVA symposium in 2022 with Dr Peter Vermeulen and Prof. dr. Ilse Noens. For those who have more time, we refer to the article that appeared in WTA with a report of the original reading session. Finally, for those who really want to go in depth, we link to Sander's original articles about HIPPEA (Dutch speaking-in English).
Are you interested in a lecture by LAVA vzw as discussed above, please send an email